Date |
Topic |
Reading |
Items due |
week 1 (Tue: 08/29)
Introduction to Machine Learning
Day00 Notes: Introduction
Lecture Slides 1
N0 (released)
week 1 (Thu: 08/31)
Google Colab and Python Review
Day01 Notes: Python Refresher
Lecture Slides 2
Reading: |
N0 (due on 08/31) |
week 2 (Tue: 09/05)
Pandas Tutorial
Day02 Notes: Pandas Tutorial
Lecture Slides 3
Notebook#1 (released)
Reading: |
week 2 (Thu: 09/07)
Practicing with Pandas
Day03 Notes: Pandas Practice
Lecture Slides 4
Reading: |
week 3 (Tue: 09/12)
k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN)
Day04 Notes: k-Nearest Neighbor
Lecture Slides 5
Notebook#2 (released)
Notebook#1 (due on 09/12) |
week 3 (Thu: 09/14)
kNN code, Missing Data and Normalization
Day05 Notes: kNN code, Missing Data and Normalization
Lecture Slides 6
The relationship ML and other fields
week 4 (Tue: 09/19)
Normalization and Weighted k Nearest Neighbor (kNN)
Day06 Notes: Normalization and Weighted k-Nearest Neighbor
Lecture Slides 7
Q1 (released on Blackboard)
sklearn: standard scalar
Notebook#2 (due on 09/20) |
week 4 (Thu: 09/21)
Weighted k-NN, Graph Plot, and Metrics
Day07 Notes: Weighted k-NN, Graph, and Metrics
Lecture Slides 8
Notebook#3 (released)
Pandas DataFrame: sample
matplotlib: Pyplot
week 5 (Tue: 09/26)
Evaluation Metrics and Introduction to Decision Trees
Day08 Notes: Metrics and Testing
Lecture Slides 9
sklearn.metrics: accuracy_score
sklearn.metrics: confusion_matrix
sklearn.metrics: mean_absolute_error
sklearn.metrics: mean_squared_error
Q1 (due on 09/26)
week 5 (Thu: 09/28)
Decision Trees
Day09 Notes: Decision Trees
Lecture Slides 10
week 6 (Tue: 10/03)
Introduction to Scikit Learn
Watch the video lectures on Blackboard
Day10 Notes: introduction to sklearn
Notebook#4 (released)
sklearn: train and test split
sklearn: Decision Tree classifier
sklearn: k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifier
sklearn: evaluation metrics
sklearn: confusion matrix
sklearn: standard scalar
Notebook#3 (due on 10/03) |
week 6 (Thu: 10/05)
Scikit Learn Practice
Day11 Notes: sklearn practice
week 7 (Tue: 10/10)
Random Forests
Day12 Notes: Random Forests
Lecture Slides 13
sklearn: Random Forest Classifier
Random Forests: Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler
Application of Random Forest: A Computer Vision research paper ICCV'2007
Notebook#4 (due on 10/12) |
week 7 (Thu: 10/12)
Project #1
Day13 Notes: Project #1
Project #1 (released)
sklearn: k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifier
sklearn: k-Nearest-Neighbor Regressor
sklearn: Decision Tree Classifier
sklearn: Decision Tree Regressor
sklearn: Random Forest Classifier
sklearn: Random Forest Regressor
week 8 (Tue: 10/17)
Fall Break (no class)
week 8 (Thu: 10/19)
Project # 1 (discussion)
Dimensionality Reduction (feature selection and feature extraction)
Day13 Notes: Dimensionality Reduction
Lecture Slides 15
sklearn: Feature Selection: SelectKBest
sklearn: Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
week 9 (Tue: 10/24)
Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Lecture Slides 16
| |
week 9 (Thu: 10/26)
Support Vector Machine (SVM) (continued)
Lecture Slides 17
In-class activity (vector-vector dot product)
Q2 (released)
Project #1 (due by 10/26)
week 10 (Tue: 10/31)
Day16 Notes: SVM code
Introduction to Neural Networks -- Perceptrons
Lecture Slides 18
In-class activity (linear model, perceptron)
Notebook #5
week 10 (Thu: 11/02)
Perceptron Update Rule
Day18 Notes: Perceptron Code
Lecture Slides 19
The Perceptron: A Perceiving and Recognizing Automaton (Rosenblatt - 1957)
Q2 (due on 11/03) |
week 11 (Tue: 11/07)
Optimization: Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
Lecture Slides 20
Day19 Notes: Loss Surface Visualization + Gradient Descent
Day19 Notes: Stochastic Gradient Descent (code)
Notebook #5 (due on 11/10)
week 11 (Thu: 11/09)
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
PyTorch Basics
Lecture Slides 21
PyTorch Basics in-class activity
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
The Backpropgation Algorithm (Rumelhart-1985)
PyTorch: matmul()
PyTorch: transpose()
week 12 (Tue: 11/14)
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) - (PyTorch Implementation)
Day 22 Notes
PyTorch: nn.Linear()
PyTorch: nn.Sigmoid()
PyTorch: nn.ReLU()
PyTorch: nn.Softmax()
PyTorch: nn.Flatten()
PyTorch: nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
PyTorch: nn.MSELoss()
PyTorch: optim.SGD()
PyTorch: optim.ADAM()
PyTorch: optim.RMSprop()
PyTorch: torchvision.datasets
week 12 (Thu: 11/16)
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
Lecture Slides 23
Popular CNN: LeNet (LeCunn-1988)
Popular CNN: AlexNet (Krizevsky-2012)
Popular CNN: VGGNet (Simonyan-2015)
Popular CNN: ResNet (He-2015)
week 13 (Tue: 11/21)
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - (PyTorch Implementation)
Day 24 Notes
Notebook #6
PyTorch: nn.Conv2d()
PyTorch: nn.Flatten()
PyTorch: nn.MaxPool2d()
PyTorch: nn.AvgPool2d()
week 13 (Thu: 11/23)
Thanksgiving break! (no class)
week 14 (Tue: 11/28)
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
RNN for Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Lecture Slides 25
Project #2
RNN: Serial Order (Jordan-1986)
Finding Structure in Time (Elman-1990)
LSTM: Long Short-Term Memory (Hochreiter-1997)
GRU: Gated Recurrent Unit (Hochreiter-2014)
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
week 14 (Thu: 11/30)
Lecture Slides 26
Transformer: Attention is All You Need (2017)
The Illustrated Transformer
Harvard University NLP: The Annotated
LSTM is dead. Long Live Transformers! - Paul Dirac talk
Notebook #6 (due on 11/29) |
week 15 (Tue: 12/05)
Large Language Model (LLM)
Lecture Slides 27
Project #2 work time
GPT-1 (100M parameters) - Radford et al. 2018 (OpenAI)
BERT (300M parameters) - Devlin et al. 2018
GPT-2 (1.5B parameters) - Radford et al. 2019 (OpenAI)
Megatron-LM (8.0B parameters) - Shoeybi et al. 2019 (NVidia)
T5 (11.0B parameters) - Raffel et al. 2020 (Google)
T-NLG (17.0B parameters) - Microsoft Corporation 2020 (Microsoft)
GPT-3 (175.0B parameters) - Brown et al. 2020 (OpenAI)
ChatGPT (1.5B parameters) - OpenAI 2022 (OpenAI)
week 15 (Thu: 12/07)
Vision and Language Model (CLIP, BLIP)
Lecture Slides 28
Course evaluation
Interacting with CLIP
Week 16 (Tue: 12/12)
No final exam!
Q3 (due on 12/12)
Project #2 (due by 12/12)